WSO2 con - 2014 in Colombo, Asia
Are you interested in get to know about how to build a light weight PaaS with essential elements in placed? Here is the talk for that “Essential Elements of an Enterprise PaaS” by Lakmal. In this session, Lakmal will talk about the essential elements of an Enterprise PaaS and how Apache Stratos (incubating) is delivering on these aspects. You will get to know about a rapidly development Apache project and it would be a entry point for you to contribute to a Apache project. Please visit Apache Stratos official-site to get more information in order to be part of the conversations and contribution. If you wish contributing to Apache Stratos, don't miss the chance of attending to WSO2 2014 Asia conference in March.
Apache Stratos as PaaS framework
It is light weight messaging based PaaS framework helps you to quickly develop, deploy and run your new applications. You put your things on top of Stratos and continue to use it without worrying much about the availability of your application all the time. Stratos will take care of the resources by monitoring and provision enough resources in your peek time and manage them in a cost effective manner. This will include scaling and fail-over handling to your applications. The health monitoring behind Apache Stratos will take the decision in the real time and passing it to the relevant functional point.The key features are delivering in Apache Stratos:
* Support for several IaaS such as EC2, openstack, vcloud and etc(in future)
* Support for any kind of application
* Support for data persistent
* Horizontal scaling, high availability and span across geographical regions
* Multitenancy support
* Monitoring and Billing for the applications
In order to work with Apache Stratos,
* Follow us in mailing-lists or in the official-site to get the right guide. So that you will get to install your own PaaS in a very short time.
For more information see WSO2Con Asia 2014 official website.